It’s been a while since I’ve posted any new updates. I can’t say that much has really changed within the last few weeks, though. Right now, I’m staying with my grandmother for a little while since I wanted to keep her company. The time here also gives me a chance to try find tenants for a suite I’m renting out.
I should really blog more. The website this is running on is actually paid for and hosted by myself; I figured that since I’m paying, I would actually use it more. Sadly, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Oh well, writing blog posts is something that I wanted to do to do more writing. The feeling comes and goes, so at least having some opportunity to write and being able to read my posts later on is nice.
Recently, I went camping. The location my friends and I went to was named Little Qualicum Falls. The special thing about this time was that this was the first time we took the ferry to go camping on the island, it was the largest group I’ve gone with yet, and we actually did some swimming there (for the first time)! Typically, I go with one of my close friends from elementary school and another friend I made in university. Perhaps due to COVID-19, the party expanded to six people this time. There’s one extra person that I’ve gone camping with once already, and two people that have never gone camping with us before.
When we were planning the trip, we were very worried about ferry availability. Most ferries vehicle spots were already booked fully, with some remaining as first-come-first-serve. The one booking we actually were able to make was for the trip there. At 5:15AM. I’m definitely not a morning person. One of my friends lives in Langley so I had to pick him up the evening before (no way I’m gonna go in the morning).

Truth be told, there’s not much to say about the trip. It was nice seeing my friends, chilling in the woods, and talking about everything that’s happened since the last time we’ve met. I wouldn’t say that I’m an extremely outdoorsy person; camping is just one of those things that’s nice to do every now and then.
I have to start working now. Later!
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