Category: Thoughts

  • Playing Support

    When I used to be an avid multiplayer gamer, I instinctively gravitated towards playing support roles, or roles that amplified the abilities of others. During my recent return to playing League of Legends with an old high school friend, I’ve played support for almost every game. He’s a bit lower rank than I am, consistently…

  • The Hardest Thing I’ve Ever Done In My Life

    My girlfriend always makes fun of me when I say that something is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Sometimes, I’ll even intentionally say it for fun, just for her to tease me a little. I commonly use this phrase in reference to activities that I’ve never done before, mostly when we…

  • Ways of Life

    Friendships are extremely valuable to me, and I make an effort to continuously remind myself to cherish the people around me. Though we tend to surround ourselves with like-minded individuals, what I find important is the unique perspectives and experiences that they bring to the table; not only are our similarities important, but also our…

  • 2022 New Year’s Resolution

    I’m not one to make resolutions, since I know that I likely won’t follow them. If someone wanted to make drastic changes to their life, why wait for some arbitrary date, and for some arbitrary time? To want to change your habits, there’s no time like the present. Well, today turns out to be the…

  • Entertaining Guests

    Having people over is pretty fun, but in the words of one of my friends: “Eddie, when we’re at you’re place, the only thing we do is drink.” It’s true, I’ve invited a lot of people to my place before, but I seldom have things such as snacks or activities prepared. Even today, all I…

  • Sharing Services

    When streaming became widespread, cloud-native media companies threatened the traditional model of subscription-based cable TV by offering a service which blended both on-demand and classical subscription services into a single monthly subscription. Despite the massive amounts of disruption that companies such as Netflix spearheaded, in recent years it’s almost as though we’re regressing towards what…

  • Giving People Rides

    One of my only joys in life is driving people. There’s just something about it that’s so relaxing to me. Some of my friends think it’s weird; I’ll drive for road trips without asking people to switch out with me, and I’m always happy to be the person picking people up or dropping people off,…

  • Girl meets NUMBER GIRL

    The saddest moments of my life are when I discover an amazing artist… only to discover that they’ve either disbanded or are part of the 27 club. Within the past year, I discovered an amazing band called きのこ帝国, or kinokoteikoku, or Mushroom Empire. Unfortunately, they disbanded back in 2019. kinokoteikoku is a post-rock shoegazer band,…

  • Thank You Tonegawa

    Readers of the blog, you might be wondering: who is this “Tonegawa” and why must he be thanked? My friend and her post are partly responsible. A conversation we had led us to this scene from the anime, Kaiji. Tonegawa is one of the antagonists who, after laying out a life-or-death game, delivers a monologue…

  • Boredom

    Boredom’s a powerful force. As a survival instinct, it makes a lot of sense; we strive for new experiences which may lead to developing new skills or a better understanding of the world. However, boredom can be quite the painful thing to alleviate. Recently, over drinks with a friend, we shared whatever ennui we felt…