Fucking Around

At an old company I worked at, we had a kettle that could continue to boil as long as you didn’t put the lid on and a mini-fridge what had a completely frozen freezer section (you can see the block of ice).

The bosses of the start-up were in China, it was Friday, and I wanted to use the freezer section so I could cool the liquor I stored under my desk quicker. The concept was essentially:

  1. As the water boils, steam is created
  2. The steam melts the ice block above the kettle
  3. The water drips back into the kettle and is converted back into steam to continue the thawing process

This was probably a hazard of some kind. Still, it was a fun way to spend one afternoon. In the end, we ended up melting the block to the point where my friend could chip away the rest with a knife.

After working from home for about a year and a half now, there are some things I miss about the office. There’s only so much novelty you can get from being contained within the same four walls for most of the day. Plus, I feel like the best dumb ideas are the ones you have with your friends when everyone is bored. I miss moments like these.






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