Category: Journal

  • 2020/08/28

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted any new updates. I can’t say that much has really changed within the last few weeks, though. Right now, I’m staying with my grandmother for a little while since I wanted to keep her company. The time here also gives me a chance to try find tenants for…

  • Banff

    Recently, I went on a trip to Banff that has been the unluckiest travels I’ve yet to have. Everything about the planning for the trip was jank. A couple friends and I planned to go exactly one week before our departure date. At that point, it was already July, reaching two-thirds of the year, and…

  • Moving

    Within my 23 years of existence, I can count on one hand the number of homes I’ve lived in for an extended period of time. The one place I’ve called home for over 20 years is my tiny apartment in Downtown, Vancouver. Recently, that has changed. So, there’s a thing in Chinese culture where getting…

  • 2020/06/14

    Sometimes it feels as though the simplest things ever are also the most enjoyable. Over the weekend, I was able to accomplish a lot of small things that I’ve left unattended. They’re somewhat meaningless on their own, but it’s satisfying nevertheless to be able to finish everything on the back-burner. The current living situation I’m…

  • Murder Mysteries

    Have you ever played murder mystery games? I played my first one ever recently. It was a game called 讲台上的乌鸦 (The Crow on the Lectern). The concept is pretty sick; it’s like a more complicated game of Mafia where each player is assigned a role, a backstory, and various tasks that they have to accomplish…

  • The Joy of Programming

    I recently read an article called Coding is not ‘fun’, it’s technically and ethically complex, which makes the argument that labeling “coding” as fun paints a rosy picture as to what programming is, dismissing the discipline and underlying complexity required to do it. Reading the article is really not worth it, but it did get…

  • Recent Updates

    It’s been a while since I’ve updated my blog. I was hoping that when I first started blogging, I would do it more frequently. As a sort of “incentive”, I’m currently self-hosting the blog with DigitalOcean and paying a couple dollars a month to maintain it. Turns out, having to pay for it is not…

  • I Suck at Cooking

    One thing I’m embarrassed about is how bad I am at cooking. I’ve been staying in Whiterock for the last couple of weeks and every single meal is prepared for me by my step-mom. I’m really grateful for being able to eat such amazing meals every day, and I’ve recently wanted to ask her to…

  • Work

    While I had hoped to continue my entry about my summer vacation, it seems like a month has already passed without a second update. Truth be told, blogging is probably not my forte. What made me turn my computer back on again to start writing was an email: an email to an old colleague which…

  • Summer Vacation – The Weeb Part (上)

    Summer vacation has come and gone way too quickly for me to have fully enjoyed it. The break itself was for a total of 6 days, from the 11th to the 16th. The first day, on Friday, was 山の日. Fortunately, it was also the first day of the famous Tokyo Comic Market (comiket 92). Comic…