While I was returning the e-reader my friend lent to me today, I was showing her the one that I ended up buying. At that moment, I noticed a stark difference between her and I. All the books that she had on her Kindle were actually purchased, whereas all of mine were downloaded (either legally…
Reading II
Recently, I was talking to one of my friends and the topic of reading came up. She had been using an e-reader for some time now and the device piqued my interest. I remember when they came out years ago, and were touted as a convenient way to read books. By the time they came…
I’m pretty happy today for no apparent reason. Well, one thing I learned was that there are a bunch of breweries in my city that do same-day delivery, which is super big-brain. I’m thinking about ordering some when I get paid next. But that’s probably not just it. I’m no alcoholic, after all. There’s been…
Today was a pretty slow day. There’s a major project happening at work right now so a lot of the time I spent today was researching the task at hand to make sure that everything will go smoothly. During my break, I played some Mahjong. I’ve been changing my strategy lately since I was on…
Spending Money
Does you ever feel guilty about spending money? While I was a student (read: living off my parents’ $$$), I didn’t really feel this way at all. However, now that I’ve had to handle my own finances, the weight of each dollar is more apparent. The odd thing about this feeling is that I’m more…
Hanging Out
The most important part about becoming closer to other people is enjoying the things that you do together. What makes hanging out with a variety of people interesting, however, is the fact that everyone enjoys different things. I was once able to become fully engrossed in a conversation about a specific game, system, or idea.…
I just came home from the liquor store. Now that it’s fall, the local stores are changing the beers that are stocked. Goodbye, sours. Hello, more winter-y beers. Coming home, I noticed that the maple tree on my property has nearly lost all of its leaves. Beer and leaves – the two classical signs that…
Just like that, 2020 is winding down to an end. My birthday passed recently (I’m now in my mid-20s), but sadly I didn’t do anything to celebrate this year. OH! After tearing through my entire place, I finally found my mahjong tiles. I had some vague notion that I left the tiles in my office,…
HoneyComeBear – Sneaker (Lyrics + Translation
I recently stumbled upon this song since my friend was listening to it. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! 日本語 そう、魔法あると確信してたのに変な子だと囁かれてるひどく嫌で蹴り飛ばした缶の先にキミはいた 泥だらけそのスニーカーにちょっと呪文をかけよう信じて願うなら直ぐ飛べるよキミは言うそのスニーカーにちょっと呪文をかけよう信じて願うなら直ぐ叶うと そう、秘密それは口に出せないもの隠す常に知らないフリして息を吸って一気に駆けた靴ヒラリ生えた翼独り占め東京の空は少しくすんでる交差点、点描画のような人混みいつのまにか途切れた呪文ああ真っ逆さまに落ちてく続かぬ夢は終わりと 泥だらけそのスニーカーにそっと呪文をかけよう目覚めた枕元涙の後魔法にも叶わぬ本当の奇跡をくれたまだ見ぬ窓の外羽根が舞う空 English Yeah, I believe in magic but was called eccentricFeeling terrible, I kicked a can that landed by you Cast a spell on those mud-covered sneakersIf you truly…
A lot hasn’t gone my way recently. I just ended up picking up two packages that were supposed to arrive two weeks ago that I’ve been obsessively checking the status of. Unfortunately, I’m expecting a lot of letter mail that has yet to arrive. There’s a letter I was expecting from one of my friends…
Got any book recommendations?